Thursday, 22 November 2012

Team Up !

" .... Hush now, dont shake or break ... " I Go by Aizat Amdani 

there are several views on actions towards the Palestinians ( May Allah be with them ) 
some say boycotting is a stupid move,
some say it actually helps,
some even say that it can also worsen our own economy .

now, I am a normal Muslim, I make mistakes,
so I have no place to brings out fatwa or whatever you may call.

I am just saying. no harm, just saying .
you can take, you can leave it, you can ignore it.
and of course, you may hate it.
as I am a human.
a normal one.

as I was saying,
instead of bashing or condemning 
how about, we just shut up.
people may do what they think the best for them.

yes, they are sharing and tweeting posts about
"Boikot McDonald's"

BUT. you must remember,
they are not forcing you.
even if they do, you have the right to not to do it.

simple, isn't it ?

i am not saying,
don't boycott 
tweet #PrayForGaza
don't tweet #PrayForGaza

i am saying, everyone has they own opinion.
if you think, you like to have your doa just between you and Allah,
it's fine.
fantastic, even.
and if you think your hash-tag tweets are really your prayers,
and you would like to share them with the world,
so be it .

you have your own preference .
who am i to say "this" or "that"

the important matter here is to make sure that the Palestinians are heard.
it is sad , to see Muslims having social wars between themselves
when they can promote LOVE and PEACE.
by arguing about this and that,
we wont be doing any favor, i believe.
in fact, 'they' are laughing at us.

Astaghfirullah .

so yeah, I am so sorry if I hurt any feelings.
this is just a penny from my thought.
if I am wrong, do correct me.
again, I am sorry.

Assalamualaikumwaramatullahi wabarakatuh.

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